Antichi Suoni Dell’aria Conference - An initiative of the Associazione Ligure per la Ricerca delle fonti musicale in Savona.
On Saturday October 14, a conference in Savona, Italy was held to mark the reissue of Baldano's manuscript, Libro per scriver l'intavolatura per sonare sopra le sordelline, written in Savona in 1600. The facsimile had been initially published in 1995 but has been completely out of print for a long time¹. To celebrate the reissue of this book, a conference and a concert were dedicated to Baldano, an astonishing musician-poet, and to his instrument, the sordelline ². In 1600, Giovanni Lorenzo Baldano wrote not just a method, but rather a repertoire, for this sophisticated bagpipe. For the record, the sordellina (or “sourdeline” in French) was a 17th century bellows-blown polyphonic bagpipe, mainly played by educated people in northern Italy, although it was an imitation of the popular bagpipes from the south. It has experienced a revival over the past thirty years, and the production of its copies are increasingly complex. Several specialists, historians, musicians and makers were gathered on this occasion.
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