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Promoting the Bagpipe Revival since 1986

The Bagpipe Society

Grace Notes

Jane Moulder

Just a few short notes from me as there is yet another packed edition awaiting you. Again, there’s an eclectic mix of articles and I hope you will find something of interest.

The Bagpipe Society has a broad church of membership and I know that some are primarily interested in history, others in making and research and others more focused on simply playing the instrument. I am, as ever, grateful to all the contributors who have taken the time to write for Chanter and have succumbed to my reminders and prompts to get the articles to me on time! I clearly am doing something right as, following each edition, I have a trickle of emails thanking me and wondering how I do it! I think the same myself but, somehow, each edition manages to fill up just in time! However ….. I am always looking for ideas and inspiration and, most of all, contributions! I would also be interested in hearing from anyone who fancies being a ‘Guest Editor’ for an edition. So, if you have suggestions or if you’d like to put together your own ‘ideal Chanter’ with support and DTP skills provided, then please get in touch with me at
